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Fast Is For Everyone.
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HyperIndex Hosting
Free, fast and generous.
Ultra fast sync speeds
Multichain indexing
Support for all EVM chains & Fuel
No code quickstart indexing
750 free indexing hours per month
Discord support
Be confident in your deployments.
Everything in Free
Zero downtime deployments
Index at scale
Unlimited indexers and deployments
Backups and production ready
Premium support
Ultimate performance and complete control.
Everything in Production
Ultimate scale
Direct database access
Powerful analytics solution
Extreme sync speed
Premium telegram support
Deployment as simple as:
git checkout -b envio
git push
HyperIndex Hosting
Flexible and Extremely fast. Simple Pricing to meet your needs.

The monthly cost for the plan.

Indexing Hours

The cumulative number of hours your deployments can

run per month without additional hourly charges. There

are 730 hours in a month.

Multichain Indexing

The maximum number of blockchain networks you can

index in a single deployment.

∞ networks
Query Rate Limit

The maximum number of API queries allowed per


100 / minute
Approx Storage

Estimated number of events that can be indexed

and stored.

0.1 million
Or selfhost your indexer!
HyperSync & HyperRPC
The fastest and most flexible way to query 70+ networks.
The fastest and most generous product on the market.
Ultra fast queries (up to 1000x faster than rpc)
Rust, Python, NodeJS and Go Clients
Support for all EVM chains & Fuel
HyperSync support for 70+ networks
*Unlimited usage while developing
Welcome to the state-of-the-art. Lets talk.
Everything in Free
Custom HyperSync chain intergrations
Uptime agreements and SLAs
Professional support
Frequently Asked Questions
Find answers to common questions about our services and pricing.
Pricing plans will be phased in during November and December 2024. The phased approach will ensure plenty of time for you to migrate to a plan that suits you.
The development tier is designed to provide flexibility for testing, with some safeguards to ensure fair resource allocation:
  • Query rate limits and indexing limits apply to prevent overuse of shared resources.
  • Initially, there are no hard limits on the amount of data you can index, allowing you to test your indexer at various scales.
  • If your indexer processes more than 100,000 events, it will be flagged for auto-deletion.
  • After being flagged, your indexer will continue to function normally for 3 full days, giving you ample time to complete your testing.
  • After the 3-day period, the indexer will be automatically deleted to free up shared resources.
This approach allows you to thoroughly test your indexer's performance and functionality, even at larger scales, while ensuring that development resources remain available for all users. If you need higher query rates, increased indexing capacity, or to run larger-scale indexers for extended periods, consider upgrading to our production or dedicated tiers.
The auto-delete feature is part of our resource management system for the development tier:
  • It ensures fair resource allocation while still allowing thorough testing of your indexer.
  • If your indexer processes more than 100,000 events, it will be flagged for auto-deletion.
  • After being flagged, your indexer continues to function normally for 3 full days.
  • This 3-day period gives you ample time to complete your testing or migrate to a higher tier.
  • After the 3-day period, the indexer is automatically deleted to free up shared resources.
This approach allows you to test your indexer's performance at scale while ensuring development resources remain available for all users. If you need to run larger-scale indexers for extended periods, consider upgrading to our production or dedicated tiers.
HyperIndex offers broad chain support:
  • All EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) chains are supported through our optional RPC sync configuration.
  • Over 70 EVM networks are HyperSync enabled, providing the blazingly fast sync speeds we're known for.
  • The Fuel network is also fully supported.
For a comprehensive list of HyperSync-enabled networks, please check our supported networks documentation. If you need support for a specific network that isn't listed, don't hesitate to reach out to us.
Yes, we support the Fuel network and are looking to expand support to other networks. Have something in mind? Please reach out!
Multichain indexing, also known as cross-chain indexing, allows you to index information from multiple blockchain networks (e.g., Ethereum and Base) within a single indexer. It offers two modes:
  • Time-ordered mode: Preserves the chronological order of events across all indexed chains, enabling operations on entities from different chains while maintaining temporal consistency.
  • Unordered mode: Indexes data from each chain as quickly as possible without concern for cross-chain ordering, optimizing for speed.
Both modes are frequently used by our customers for different use cases. Multichain indexing is available on all pricing tiers, offering flexibility and powerful data aggregation capabilities for your project.
Our sync speeds are extremely fast and best-in-class:
  • Sync millions of events in minutes, not hours.
  • While previous frameworks might require weeks to sync at scale (100M+ events), HyperIndex can achieve the same feat in just over an hour.
  • This represents a more than 100x improvement in sync speed compared to traditional methods.
  • Our team is continuously working on optimizations, making our sync speeds even faster.
These blazing-fast sync speeds translate to quicker development cycles, reduced infrastructure costs, and the ability to handle large-scale data with ease. For more details on our performance, check out our benchmarking results.
Our no-code indexer quickstart provides an easy way to generate and deploy an indexer without writing any code. Here's what you can do:
  • Select specific events from smart contracts to index and save
  • Index multiple smart contracts in a single indexer
  • Set up multichain indexing for cross-chain data aggregation
This serves as an excellent starting point for your project. To get started, follow our no-code indexer quickstart guide. You can then iterate and customize your indexer as needed.
Indexing hours are a measure of how long your indexers run on our hosted service. Here's what you need to know:
  • Each deployed indexer is called a 'deployment'.
  • Every hour a deployment runs counts as one indexing hour.
  • For example, one deployment running for a full month uses approximately 730 indexing hours.
Extra indexing hours are valuable for running multiple deployments simultaneously, enabling:
  • Zero-downtime upgrades
  • Easy iteration and testing of new indexer versions
Zero-downtime deployments allow you to update your indexer without any service interruption. Here's how it works:
  • Deploy a new version of your indexer on our hosted service alongside your current version.
  • Once the new version is ready, use the 'Promote to Production' feature to seamlessly switch your production GraphQL endpoint.
  • This transition happens instantly, ensuring your API remains available throughout the upgrade process.
This feature allows you to safely upgrade your indexer's logic, add new features, or fix issues without affecting your users or applications relying on your API.
Direct database access is a feature that provides additional control and flexibility beyond the standard GraphQL endpoint. Here's what you need to know:
  • In addition to the GraphQL access endpoint, you get direct SQL access to all indexed data.
  • This allows for more complex queries and data manipulations that might not be possible through GraphQL alone.
  • It's particularly useful for advanced users who need to perform custom analytics or integrations.
With direct database access, you have the flexibility to interact with your indexed data in ways that best suit your project's needs.
We offer a fully hosted and feature-rich analytics dashboard that empowers you to gain deep insights from your indexed data. Here's what you can do:
  • Build interactive, customizable dashboards with a variety of visualization options (charts, graphs, tables, etc.).
  • Create and share reports with team members or stakeholders, fostering collaboration.
  • Set up automated alerts based on specific data thresholds or trends.
  • Perform ad-hoc SQL queries for deeper data exploration and analysis.
  • Integrate with external tools via APIs for seamless data flow across your ecosystem.
This solution helps you uncover valuable insights, assess trends, and make data-driven decisions. Whether you're tracking on-chain metrics, user behavior, or financial data, our analytics platform provides the tools you need to turn raw data into actionable intelligence.
Yes, you can self-host your indexer! Here's what you need to know:
  • If you've run the indexer locally, you're already familiar with the basics.
  • The generated folder includes a Dockerfile, which is an excellent starting point for self-hosting.
  • You can customize this Dockerfile and deploy it to your preferred cloud provider or on-premises infrastructure.
Self-hosting gives you full control over your indexer's environment and data. However, our hosted service offers several advantages:
  • Faster setup and deployment
  • Optimized performance and high uptime
  • Automatic updates and maintenance
  • Dedicated support from our team
For most users, our hosted service provides the best balance of convenience, performance, and reliability. If you do choose to self-host and need assistance, our community on Discord is always ready to help with tips and best practices.
We've planned a smooth transition for existing indexers:
  • You'll be able to redeploy your existing indexer to either the development or production tier.
  • This allows you to test and ensure everything works to your standards before the original deployed indexers are deprecated.
  • If you're interested in the dedicated tier, please reach out to discuss your specific needs.
  • As a token of appreciation, generous credits will be awarded to users who have deployed original indexers.
We're committed to making this transition as seamless as possible for our existing users. If you have any concerns or questions about migrating your indexer, please contact our support team.
Yes! Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are available for users on the dedicated tier. Here's what you need to know:
  • Each SLA is tailored to meet your specific requirements.
  • SLAs typically cover uptime guarantees, response times, and support levels.
To discuss your SLA needs and get more information, you can schedule a short call with our team.
Yes, we offer discounts for longer-term commitments:
  • The discount amount depends on the length of your commitment.
  • Generally, we're able to offer at least a 20% discount for longer-term commitments.
  • Longer commitments not only provide cost savings but also help with budgeting and resource planning.
To discuss specific long-term pricing options that best suit your project's needs, please contact our team. We're happy to work with you to find the most cost-effective solution for your use case.
Great! Please feel free to reach out on Discord and we can help!

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