A blazingly fast complete indexing solution. Index 30m uni swap events in under 1hr (use .js, .ts or .res).
The state of the art way to extract on-chain data to JSON, Arrow or Parquet. Megafast. Megaflexible. Realtime
An extremely fast read-only RPC for data intensive tasks. Drop in solution with mind boggling performance boost
Deliver exceptional user experiences. No more data latency in your front-end. Limit downtime due to slow indexing / re-indexing speeds.
HyperIndex is automatically powered by HyperSync, indexing up to 1000x faster than alternative indexing solutions (use of RPC is optional).
Index contracts across multiple networks. Aggregate and query your data from a single API. Gain a comprehensive view of your web3 data.
Deploy anywhere that runs Node.js or use Envio’s reliable, cost-effective hosted service. Promoting to production has never been easier.
Shipooor@shipping-station ./my-cool-project % _
Integrate before your next coffee.Start shipping.
In <10 seconds , Hypersync can:
• scan 200 million blocks
• retrieve and decode every `PoolCreated` log emitted by Uniswap V3 Factory
That’s 20 million blocks per second. Do it in Python, Rust or Typescript.
Need an indexer but don't have the bandwidth to build it? Envio’s Freelance Network can support you.
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